Announcing our Community Coat Drive

Are you feeling that drop in the temperature? Did you hear that there was snow in Colorado and Montana this week? That just means it’s a matter of time until we hunker down in front of the fire waiting to find out if we’re going to wake up to a blanket of crisp white snow on our front lawns.
But what about those who are less fortunate?
As our team counts our blessings, we are grateful to each of you for your support. When we look back at the tremendous year we have had, we wanted to do something to give back. That is why we’re bringing our coat drive to you.
How Can I Help?
On Friday, October 25th and Saturday, 26th October 2019, we will come to you to pick up your gently used coats for people in need. Simply fill out the form below by Thursday, October 23rd and we’ll come to you to pick up the coats. Gloves and scarves are welcome too.
If you want to help us spread the word, please post a photo of your donation on Instagram or Facebook to tell your friends! Be sure to tag @blakenelsonre and use the hashtag #blakescoatdrive. We would love your help in spreading the word.
How will you distribute the coats?
We are partnering with the Johnson County Christmas Bureau which serves nearly 34,000 low-income Johnson County residents each year by providing warmth and support, during the winter season. The coats, hats, and gloves we collect will be distributed to those in need, living under 150% of the poverty level. For some of the children serviced by this organization, this will be the only coat they own.